

Filippo Tincolini

Human Connections

Welcome to the audio guide of the exhibition "HUMAN CONNECTIONS" BY SCULPTOR FILIPPO TINCOLINI

This audio guide will take you to the discovery of the widespread exhibition through curiosities, news and insights into the works present in the exhibition.

Follow the order of the tracks or choose a section of the exhibition from the interactive map to listen to the audio guide with a click.


Welcome to the historic center of Pietrasanta where the widespread exhibition “Human Connections” by the sculptor Filippo Tincolini takes place.

The exhibition itinerary begins with these monumental works of strong scenic presence, they are located in the focal points of the historic center giving life to a public itinerary that touches: Piazza del Duomo, Piazza Carducci, the interior of the Sant’Agostino Complex and the Marina di Pietrasanta Pier. Tincolini, through this exhibition, wants to explore the theme of human relationships using sculpture as a tool for investigating the existing, a form of thought that is also a cognitive process.

You are now in a particularly scenic exhibition hall inside the church of the Sant’Agostino complex. Here, a suggestive and emotional dialogue is woven between the marble works and the rest of the setting.

Here you are in the “Capitolo’s Room”, entirely dedicated to “HC Resonance”, a special project by the Tuscan photographer Laura Veschi, who since 2016 has collaborated with artists and sculptors, telling through her shots not only the works but also the creative process through which they are born. Here, in particular, she presents a video dedicated to the backstage to let visitors experience the salient moments of the creation of the exhibition, also bringing on stage a selection of about ten black and white author photos.

You are now in the Barsanti Garden, where the works “Rebirth from Waste / Rinascita dagli scarti” are located, born from a social project that involved six disabled guys from Anffas Onlus Massa Carrara.

In the Putti’s Room, in dialogue with the sculptures, we find on the walls about thirty black and white photos by Laura Veschi. An additional support to document the behind the scenes of the creative process of the sculptor Filippo Tincolini: a path that materializes in works capable of uniting tradition and innovation.

At the center of the Putti’s Room we find a selection of sculptures that tells the world of Filippo Tincolini in a 360-degree way. Here medium-sized works belonging to different cycles yet connected to each other dialogue. In fact, we find works such as “Flowered Foot” or “Flowered Slave” taken from the Flowered Soul series, in which the artist lets refined flowers “bloom” from the marble material that take over the forms, whether they are classical like a Venus or with a pop flavor like “Spaceman Belvedere”, an astronaut in a hyper-technological suit.

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